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Past lectures

This is a select list of the lectures organised by the Centre for English Legal History since its inception.

CELH publishes recordings of their events in audio (available via most popular podcast platforms) and video (via YouTube).

Professor Paul Mitchell (University College London): 'Legal History and Literature: Towards Creative Reciprocity' (2024)

Professor Rebecca Probert (University of Exeter Law School): 'Women and the Crime of Bigamy in English Law, 1603-2023' (2023)

Presentation:  (7.53 MB)

Sir Ross Cranston: 'Law as Backcloth? A History of English Commercial Law' (2023)

Presentation:  (8.24 MB)

David Ibbetson Valedictory Lecture: 'Roman Law, Comparative Law, Legal History'

The Centre for English Legal History was delighted to host a valedictory lecture by David Ibbetson FBA, Regius Professor of Civil Law on 25th November 2022.

The lecture was chaired by Dr Jonathan Morgan, and Professor Ibbetson was introduced by Mr Justice Foxton.

While it will come as no surprise to learn that David will continue his research for years to come, this lecture marks his retirement from the Regius Professorship of Civil Law.

Professor Michael Lobban (LSE): 'Martial Law in Black and White: the rule of law, the British empire and the Privy Council, 1899-1906'

Professor Alain Wijffels (KU Leuven): 'Why civil lawyers? Alberico Gentili's commitment to legal scholarship and public governance' (2017)

Presentation:  (24 MB)

Professor David Ibbetson (University of Cambridge): 'Milsom's Legal History' (2016)

Accompanying symposium

  • George Garnett (University of Oxford) 'Milsom and beyond'
  • Hector MacQueen (University of Edinburgh) 'Milsom abroad: the feudal framework of Scots law'
  • Norman Doe (Cardiff University) 'Milsom on ecclesiastical law'
  • Paul Brand (University of Oxford) 'Building on Milsom: the strange history of c.7 of the Statute of Gloucester (1278)'
  • John Hudson (University of St Andrews) 'Glanvill’s framework: language, law and identity'
  • Professor Martyn Rady, ‘Not the Magna Carta: Hungary and the Golden Bull of 1222’ (2015)
  • Professor Christine Carpenter, ‘Landowners’ use of the law in the fourteenth century’ (2014)
  • Professor Sir John Baker, 'The Legal History Nobody Knows' (2013)